Friday 7 March 2014

Want to get marry or get a name for your baby? 金吊桶 八字命理店 / Place for Bazi is the place to go.

金吊桶  (House name)

What (Function)
This is a place we can go for checking future Husband and Wife's Bazi (八字) Birthday and check compatibility and then calculate the Auspicious day and time for the Wedding Reception.
To calculate and check your newborn son or daughter's naming. Check if his/her Bazi (八字) matches with Name and have all the necessary Earth Element (Fire, Metal, Wood, Water, Gold)

When (Operating Hour)
Normal Day till ~6pm. Call before going.
Normally Sunday Morning is closed.
He seems to stay there, so if you reach and gate is close, look for a hand phone number and call. Or you call the land line number below.

Contact Number

Where (Location)
Just after Aquarium Shop (ChiewThean Yeang) @ 92 Burmah Road, Penang, Malaysia

Congrats and Have a Great one!!!


  1. Due to Fire that burned down the building.
    It has temporary relocated to:
    37, Lebuhraya Codrington, George Town, 10350 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

  2. May I know the latest contact number? Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your update on the address, I managed to find him already. =)

  4. How much does they charge now?
